
Help teachers to take the attendance of students without any difficulties

Academic Details

Parents can check their child's academic details from wherever in the world

Instant Notification

Teachers can also give notification to parents in case their child is absent or late

Time Table

Teachers can easily check , each period they are assigned to which class and Which subject they need to teach

Exam Date, Important Portions

Parents will get notifications about their child's exam date, important portions to study and score obtained by child in each exams


Students will get notifications about their child's homework in app.


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App Benifits

Most common question which many parents have raised is, “why we need standalone app when we have ready apps in market?

Here is answer to your question.

  • App data is secure since you have standalone personal server with 99.9% uptime
  • No other app provides academic tracking facility of any student to either parent and teacher.
  • Time was consumed on developing facilities which is not only useful for children but also for parents. (i.e Ignite tab)
  • Facilities for teachers and staff be to be more reliable on data provided by the app to guide and contact parents directly and inform about the progress of students academic performance.
  • Notification which will eliminate the hassle of parents to rush to office for any information.
  • No other app provides facility to add multiple student record and switch between two accounts without signing off. Google took 2 years and 3 months to get this service in gmail. we took 3 and half months.
  • The facilities provided in CPEMS CLICK App cannot be found in any single school management app. so we have indirectly combined every possible facility for school management app and integrated it into CPEMS CLICK App.
Student dashboard
Student dashboard
Attendance & Homework
Attendance & Homework
Class Routine, Examination Schedule & Results
Class Routine, Examination Schedule & Results
Multi Account login
Multi Account login
Fees Payment Notification
Fees Payment Notification

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